Saturday, March 14, 2020

The eNotes Blog Top 10 Holiday Gifts forTeachers

Top 10 Holiday Gifts forTeachers Teachers. They do so much for our kids all year, often for very little money. The holidays offer all of us the opportunity to show them our gratitude and appreciation. Here at , we posted a question on our Discussion Board, asking teachers themselves what gifts they would most like to receive from students and parents. Here are their top ten suggestions. Make an educators holiday just a bit brighter with these great ideas! 1.   Personalized Notes of Thanks and Remembrance. By far and away, the majority of teachers who commented on our question said what they treasured most were students letters.   Susan3Smith says, The best teacher gifts from students or parents are notes or cards.  The notes can sustain me during a tough time, and they dont make me fat. 2.   Gift Cards. A treat for everyone, but perhaps especially for teachers, gift cards are fabulous way to show you care. As auntlori notes: Because teachers generally do spend their own money on things for the classroom, gift cards are always welcome. 3.   Kindle. If you would like to hear a squeal from a teacher that sounds remarkably child-like, AND you can afford it, consider giving Amazons electronic reader, the Kindle, the second-most requested wish on our teachers list (just behind personalized notes!) 4.   Stationery. Also making a strong showing on the wish list was stationery. As kiwi puts it, The love of stationery is a very close second to the love of teaching. msmegmaynard agrees,   I am personally obsessed with new stationery! 5.   Pens! Also making  their mark on  various wish lists were pens.   Actually, office supplies  of all sorts are in great demand.   As kiwi puts it, Pens pens pens pens. Coloured notepads, fancy staplers, highlighters, erasers the list goes on. I still get gel pens as a Christmas  present  each year! 6. Candles. Scented candles are one of those wonderful indulgences that we teachers love to get but rarely buy for ourselves. Give your favorite educator some aromatherapy! 7. Rare or Early Edition Book. Several teachers and editors who commented noted that a rare or first edition text was a treasured gift. It showed them that the parent and/or student knew them well enough to know their favorite authors, and they were aware of the time it took to find that special gift. 9.   Wine. Quite a few teachers admit that they would love to receive a good bottle of wine. If you know a literature   teacher and wine lover, try out this great, inexpensive (less than $20) vintage called Writers Block, available in Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec, and Syrrah. 10.   iPad. Well, we can dream, cant we?   As accessteacher points out, Since its Christmas, why not an iPad? Lets go wild!! From everyone at , we wish all of you, teachers, editors,  students, and parents, happy holidays and a prosperous New Year.

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