Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organizational Change Considered Riskiest †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Organizational Change Considered Riskiest? Answer: Introducation Organizational change is considered to be the riskiest and most shaking things on earth that is planned by any business enterprise. But a successful reorganization can set an organization on the path to success like nothing else actually can (Swanson, Territo Taylor, 2016). Change that threatens valued professional or any of the occupational identities is problematic. For me, change is not a variable. Rather, it is a set of deeply embedded habits and ways of looking at the world that desire to work for its cultural members. Therefore, there are limits to an extent up to which cane can be directed or hastened (whatever the case may be). I have seen people resist changes for illogical reasons. The main reason behind it is sense of fear or power loss. Organizational change- it is the secret to bring successful change in an organization. Three words are communicate, communicate and communicate. Nowadays, contemporary organization face rapid change like it was never before. With the emergence of globalization, Account has huge opportunities for attainment of growth and revenue. The diverse markets deal with wide variety of needs as well as expectations of the strong customers and collaborators at the same time. Now the question arises for the stakeholders, the answer is analysis of stakeholders has increased where some of the Executives have been convicted of illegitimate actions in their business enterprise. It is all about understanding the capability to handle change after continuing for meeting the needs of stakeholders as it is one of the essential skills that should be present in leaders and managers in competitive world environment (Sharif Scandura, 2014). Efforts are made constantly by the leaders and managers for accomplishing and engaging in significant change as it is inherent in their jobs. Probably that we realize that some are very good at this effort and othe r still struggle and fail Change programs in an organization fail because of lack of knowledge. There is a huge gap between what individual know and what they do. All the information in real terms are not applied and all the talent that are not being used actually cost business billions of dollars every year (Carter et al., 2013). The other reason for failure of change program is lack of skill and practice. Individuals do not have the required skills and expertise that is actually needed to plan a change for any business enterprise. For instance, Hewlett-Packard paid consideration to the transformation of leadership from stable, independent business environment to unbalanced surroundings as well as finally gained the positive result of change management. Later, HP had to face unexpected challenges where the company had to adjust to a major reorganization and had to merge with Compaq. The line managers did not support as needed and therefore decision-making activities were slow (Benn, Dunphy Griffiths, 2014). Change programs in an organization fail because of hidden conflicts working against change (Anderson, 2016). Some of the leaders have proper understanding on how to lead change but they do not put those facts into action. Other reason for failure is culture working against change. It is according to the research that leaders of victorious changes get people at all levels who get involved by keeping them in the loop and listening to their ideas and taking ownership for their part of change. For instance, the case study focus on culture clash between Schroders and Salomon Smith Barney who belong to Citigroup investment bank where they need to be integrated when two banks merged for solving the cultural issues and implemented successful change management. After that, it is noted that cultural issues was big pitfalls in the process of merging two banks and it is insane to lose sight of the pressure as well as role of society in the procedure of change management (Cameron Green, 2015). Identifying the concepts of corporate objectives and assess an organization with information accessible in the public domain The corporate objective of Wesfarmers Limited is to provide satisfactory return that is in accordance to the needs of shareholders (Sheth Sisodia, 2015). In addition, the Australian company main objective s to meet the level of performance to attain future goals and objectives. The company focuses on capital efficiency techniques for retaining the topmost position. The company actually looks for ways for improving their working capital efficiency for all their business and ensures string regulation in relative to capital expenditure as well as other speculation decision that is required to be made. The company aims at optimizing shareholder returns by using dividend policy where the main approach is related to capital management as well as disciplined portfolio management at the same time ("Wesfarmers.com.au", 2017). While looking at the acquisition of business, it is noted that the Group had applied filters. The company actually applies a long-term horizon for undertaking investmen t decisions for creating value for the shareholders for given period of time. Discuss marketing orientation concepts Production concept- Production concept is one of the conceptions that is the oldest thought in trade. In addition, the concept holds the fact that customers will favor products that are widely obtainable as well as inexpensive. It is the managers who mainly focus on the concept as it deals with achieving high production efficiency, mass distribution and low costs. In this concept, it was assumed that consumers will show interest towards products that are available at lower prices (Hutchinson et al., 2015). Selling concept- Selling concept is one of the concepts in the marketing orientation concepts. Here, it is believed that consumers and business are left alone and will purchase enough for sale of products of the company. The business organization needs to undertake an aggressive selling as well as promotion effect (Hollensen, 2015). Marketing concept- Marketing concept is one of the business philosophies that actually challenge all the other marketing orientations. It explains the key to achieve its goal of the organization where company is more effective than its competitors (Goworek McGoldrick, 2015). Here, marketers believes in delivering as well as communicating values to the customers or selected target customers. The selected organization is Wesfarmers Limited and it uses the marketing concept as the prime concern of the business is to meet the needs and expectations of customers in the most desired way ("Wesfarmers.com.au", 2017). Core marketing strategy of an organization The core marketing strategy of Wesfarmers Limited is to create an comprehensive work surroundings by giving special concentration to gender diversity as well as enclosure of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people ("Wesfarmers.com.au", 2017). The company aims at burdening the skills as well as experience of the pool where they can draw and attract top talent of the business. They believe in providing greater alignment to the needs of the customers. The company believes in bringing improvement to creativity as well as innovation and modeling responsible corporate citizenship (Armstrong et al., 2015). Strength and weakness of present marketing strategy and give details how this strategy help the association to reach its corporate objectives The strength of Wesfarmers Limited in applying current marketing strategy is they have access to different levels of generic brands that caters to specific types of buyer ("Wesfarmers.com.au", 2017). The company occupies the topmost position and applies marketing strategy that best suits for getting access to its targeted customers. Wesfarmers Limited involves in successful promotional campaigns and had attractive pricing strategies with frequent price-cuts as well as offers that best suit with the needs of the targeted customers. The weakness of the current marketing strategy faced by Wesfarmers Limited is negative publicity that surrounds hard-line negotiation with the Australian suppliers that hurt the public sentiment towards the company ("Wesfarmers.com.au", 2017). The company faced stiff competition from other rivalry firms such as Woolworths that operates on lower margins. Reference List Anderson, D. L. (2016).Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Benn, S., Dunphy, D., Griffiths, A. (2014).Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge. Cameron, E., Green, M. (2015).Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Carter, M. Z., Armenakis, A. A., Feild, H. S., Mossholder, K. W. (2013). Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change.Journal of Organizational Behavior,34(7), 942-958. Goworek, H., McGoldrick, P. (2015).Retail marketing management: Principles and practice. Pearson Higher Ed. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Hutchinson, K., Donnell, L. V., Gilmore, A., Reid, A. (2015). Loyalty card adoption in SME retailers: the impact upon marketing management.European Journal of Marketing,49(3/4), 467-490. Sharif, M. M., Scandura, T. A. (2014). Do perceptions of ethical conduct matter during organizational change? Ethical leadership and employee involvement.Journal of Business Ethics,124(2), 185-196. Sheth, J. N., Sisodia, R. S. (2015).Does marketing need reform?: Fresh perspectives on the future. Routledge. Swanson, C. R., Territo, L., Taylor, R. W. (2016).Police administration: Structures, processes, and behavior. Prentice Hall. Wesfarmers.com.au. (2017).Wesfarmers.com.au. Retrieved 4 August 2017, from https://www.wesfarmers.com.au

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