Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Meaning of Abortion Essay - 988 Words

The Meaning of Abortion Abortion is an apparition to end a pregnancy through the expulsion of the foetus from the womb .In the UK it is illegal to have an abortion after twenty four weeks apart from life threatening circumstances. Abortion is a very complex moral issue with huge diversity of opinion, even in the Christian church. What biblical teachings might be used in a discussion about abortion? Different churches have different opinions on abortion, for example, The Roman Catholic Church says abortion is wrong and a sin In all cases. The Protestant Church says that abortion may be acceptable in some cases. Within the Christian church there is a diversity of belief and opinion on†¦show more content†¦That everything has a purpose and before it has even been born it is carved in gods hand forever. Another example of this is: We have been created by almighty god in his own image and likeness. No pregnancy is unplanned, because no baby can be conceived unless almighty God intends that conception and has willed that particular unique and completely individual new person into existence. What has actually happened in our society is the clever arguments have conceived those with no anchor in belief in God to cling to that merciless slaughter of unborn babies is morally justifiable and even essential for the happiness of the individual and good of society. (Catholic Truth Society) The Protestants however have a different opinion although different Protestant groups have other opinions. Most stress the rights of individual conscience before god. They also rely on the bible for guidance, but only one passage in the bible refers remotely to abortion. Exodus 21:22 if two men were fighting and wound a pregnant woman, they shall pay a fine if she has a miscarriage, but they will have to give a life for a life if she herself dies. The difference in punishment shows that early biblical writers did not consider the woman and the foetus to be equal the foetus was not a person. In the Ten Commandments it states Thou shalt not murder PeopleShow MoreRelatedAbortion Should Not Be Legal Essay1370 Words   |  6 Pagesshould avoid abortion being legal for the sake of the unborn child life. One should be concerned with the pros and cons about abortion. All evidence considered, people should keep in mind that abortion should NOT be legal. The law of abortions has proven that it is not likely to reduce the rate of women wanting/having an abortion, but it can reduce the number of unintended pregnancies. This will result in fewer abortions. 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